Patient Outreach

Patient Outreach Strategies to Drive PX and Deliver Transformative Health Outcomes


Meaningful patient engagement involves proactive patient outreach strategies and programs that can seamlessly engage the healthcare consumers throughout their care journeys.

Meaningful patient engagement involves proactive patient outreach strategies and programs that can seamlessly engage the healthcare consumers throughout their care journeys. Clinical care is only one aspect of a much larger framework—for hospitals and medical practices to elevate Patient Experiences (PX) and accelerate outcomes.

Patient Engagement Strategies – Key Components

Appointment Reminders Patient Communication Patient Referrals Patient Scheduling Patient Feedback
Smart Waitlist Patient Outreach Auto-refill Appointments Secure Chat Mobile Patient Intake
Attribution Lists Patient Recall Consent Forms Care Team Workflows Value-based Care
Health Screenings Telehealth Zero-Contact Check-in Zero Contact Waiting Room Pre And Post-Care Messaging
Multilingual Messaging Population Health Automated Campaigns Broadcast Messaging Drive-thru Healthcare
Contactless ER Patient Screening Surveys Patient Monitoring Surveys Preventive Care Scheduling Patient Notifications
How Patient Education Improves Care Coordination Solutions

Patients when not fully aware of their health conditions and treatments are most likely to be least interested in their care pathway management journey. Patients’ critical health data are gathered through various sources including Electronic Health Records (EHR), Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO), Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD), Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), wearables and IoT-powered devices—that are seamlessly integrated into patient engagement platforms to deliver valuable and actionable consumer insights.

Healthcare organizations need to harness these insights to deliver personalized and customized patient education materials that can be of immense help during their care pathway management. From pre-surgery to post-surgical self-care, these patient education content can be designed in creative and interactive audio, video, infographics, gaming and multimedia formats to foster engagement and proactive participation of patients in their care journeys.

Patient Engagement outside the Doctor’s Office

Patients need constant care and support even outside the doctor’s office. From finding the right physician, pre-visit and post-visit to pre-operative, during and post-operative care—patient care journeys could involve multiple factors and complex frameworks that contribute to achieving the #TripleAim—of Clinical, operational and financial excellence of a healthcare organization.

Personalized patient engagement solutions ensure that automated chatbot-powered messages are delivered to patients—thereby fostering medication adherence, timely medical interventions, remote patient monitoring that result in better Patient Experience, higher patient satisfaction and loyalty, elevated health outcomes and better ROI.

Automated appointment reminders and patient self-scheduling features bring added advantages to the care coordination platform by simplifying healthcare experiences through one-touch appointment booking, cancelling or re-scheduling, among many other functionalities.

Presenting CLAFly – SolvEdge’s Flagship Patient Outreach Platform

SolvEdge’s patient outreach program CLAFly, powers a unique dual competence model that synergizes our scientific acumen with cutting-edge technology and data science spanning AI/ML, Deep Learning and NLP/Text Mining Algorithms. SolvEdge’s strategic healthcare solutions are built on 18+ years of industry experience and deep healthcare domain expertise that make us a trusted name among leading Fortune 500 healthcare brands, 480+ Hospitals, 3850+ Physicians and Millions of patients around the globe.

To learn more on effective patient outreach solutions that can accelerate your healthcare organization’s clinical, operational and financial efficiencies, talk to our team

SolvEdge Simplifying Healthcare Experiences

From our humble beginnings as a healthcare start-up—to becoming a full-blown healthcare-exclusive digital transformation provider, our journey has been quite a remarkable one. Today, SolvEdge is a leading-edge Healthcare services and solutions provider—trusted by 450+ Hospitals, 3500+ Physicians and millions of patients across the globe.

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